Taxonomy filter

This widget (fig. 1) allows to arrange filter functionality for any custom post type and its taxonomies (categories). This widget should be added on a page together with The7 widget which displays posts: Posts Masonry & Grid, Simple Posts, Masonry & Grid Loop and even carousels.

Fig. 1.1. Taxonomy Filter Widget.

Fig. 1. Taxonomy Filter Widget.


In the Query tab (fig. 2), you can choose the post type, which needs to be filtered, and the taxonomy, which will be shown in the filter. You can also select the specific taxonomy items to be displayed in the filter.

Fig. 1.2. Query Tab.

Fig. 2. Query Tab.

Style tab (fig. 3) allows to:

Fig. 1.3. Style Tab.

Fig. 3. Style Tab.

  • show/hide the “View all” button and alter its text label;
  • align the items to the left, right or center;
  • design active item pointer (underline, framed, background, etc.);
  • apply animation effect for the pointer (fade, slide, grow, etc.);
  • configure filter items typography;
  • select pointer height;
  • choose normal/hover/active colors for the filter text and the pointer;
  • apply paddings and margins for a single filter item.


Advanced section contains standard Elementor settings. More info is available here.