General Appearance

On this page various general setting are gathered. Here you can:

  • set the content width in “px” or “%” (see fig. 1);
  • select site layout: boxed or wide;
  • set the box width in “px” or “%” if “boxed” layout is enabled (see fig. 1);
  • set background color and image “under the box” (see fig. 1);

    Fig. 1. How your site looks if boxed layout is enabled.

    Fig. 1. How your site looks if boxed layout is enabled.

  • configure content area paddings for desktop and mobiles (fig. 2);

    Fig. 2. Content paddings.

    Fig. 2. Content paddings.

  • set basic site background color and image;
  • define style for so called “content boxes”: DT Accordion, DT Tabs, etc.;
  • select the color for dividers;
  • set the color accent (see fig. 3);

    Fig. 3. Accent color settings.

    Fig. 3. Accent color settings.

  • configure border radius for the site: it will be used for input fields, sidebar borders etc.;
  • define style for beautiful loading and lightbox (see fig. 4);
    Fig. 3. Beautiful loading and lightbox settings.

    Fig. 4. Beautiful loading and lightbox settings.


For the custom preloader (fig. 5), you must Insert img src HTML code with your desired image (GIF, SVG, etc.) path.

Fig. 5. Custom preloader.

Fig. 5. Custom preloader.