

You can change look of your site in two clicks by applying one of predefined skins. Simply go to “WP-admin > Theme Options > Skins”, select desired skin and hit the “Save” button.

Theme will apply all necessary settings and styles automatically. Your logos, favicon, widget areas, social links and contact information will be preserved. But the rest of options will be reset, so you may want to back them up.

Fig. 1. Skins.

Fig. 1. Skins.

“Details” / “Read More” Button. Excerpts

On a Blog page, each post is represented by its “Excerpt” – short post introduction. The full post content is displayed after a click on the “Details” button below.

Please refer to this article for details:

By default the Excerpt length is set to 55 words. But you can “cut of” post manually. All you need is to use the “Read more” tag. Put the cursor in required place and click the appropriate button (fig. 1).

Fig. 1. “Read more” tag.

Fig. 1. “Read more” tag.

Alternatively, you can add hand crafted excerpts to the “Excerpt” box. If you cannot see it, please do following:

  1. Click “Screen Options” in the top right corner of the post adding/editing interface.
  2. Check the “Excerpt” checkbox.
  3. Enter the post excerpt in the corresponding box. Normally it is located right below the  text editor (fig. 2):

Fig. 2. Excerpt.

Fig. 2. Excerpt.

Note : If you are using WPBakery Page Builder in posts, its necessary to fill the excerpt filed in order to display the excerpt in the post listing.

Disable Comments

Comments are enabled on WordPress posts and pages by default. You can change the default for new posts or pages, as well as enable/disable comments on posts or pages you’ve already published.

You can change the defaults for new posts or pages on the Settings -> Discussion screen.

To hide comments on the specific page go to “WP-admin > Pages” and click the “quick edit” link. You will see the “Allow Comments” checkbox (fig. 1):

Fig. 1. Disable comments via "quick edit.

Fig. 1. Disable comments via “quick edit.

You can do the same in the Page/Post Adding/Editing interface. Simply check the “Discussion” checkbox in Screen Option – corresponding “Discussion” box will appear (fig. 2):

Fig. 2. Disable comments from "Discussion" box.

Fig. 2. Disable comments from “Discussion” box.


The7 theme allows you to display multiple menus through Dashboard > Appearance > Menus (fig. 1):

Fig. 1. Menu locations.

Fig. 1. Menu locations.

    • Primary menu: 

      Fig. 2.1. Primary menu.

      Fig. 2.1. Primary menu.

    • Split menu (left and right): 

      Fig. 2.2. Split menu.

      Fig. 2.2. Split menu.

    • Header microwidgets 1 and 2 (location of these microwidgets can be chosen in Theme Options -> Top Bar & Header -> Microwidgets):

      Fig. 2.3. Header microwidgets 1 and 2.

      Fig. 2.3. Header microwidgets 1 and 2.

      Fig. 2.3. Header microwidgets 1 and 2.

  • Bottom menu: 

    Fig. 2.4. Bottom menu.

    Fig. 2.4. Bottom menu.

You can also set up a specific menu for mobile layout:

Fig. 2.5. Mobile menu.

Fig. 2.5. Mobile menu.

Note that menus can be also displayed via widgets. Custom menu can be created/managed in a usual way. More detail are available here:

The7 theme supports Mega Menu functionality. Details on it can be found here.

Also you can select position of menu in top and bottom bars from Theme Options.

Make Page a Homepage

  1. Navigate to the “WP-admin > Settings > Reading” interface (see fig 1).
  2. In the “Front page displays” section choose “static page (select below)” radio-button.
  3. In the “Front page:” selector choose the page that you have created to be the Homepage.
  4. Attention. Please do not select the “Posts page:”, otherwise your custom blog settings will not take effect!
Fig. 1. Make page a homepage.

Fig. 1. Make page a homepage.

Theme Options

You can find Theme Options menu in the top panel in WP Dashboard (fig. 1):

Fig. 1. Theme Options menu.

Fig. 1. Theme Options menu.

You can also enable side Theme Options menu in Dashboard -> The7 -> My The7 -> Settings -> Legacy Features -> Show theme options in sidebar.

There are two modes of Theme Options editing: front-end editor and back-end editor.

Front-end editor

This mode (fig. 2.1) has real-time site preview and is enabled by default.

Fig.2.1. Front-end editor

Fig.2.1. Front-end editor

It also allows to (fig. 2.2):

  • hide options panel and get full-size site preview;
  • switch the preview to desktop/tablet/mobile view.
Fig. 2.2. Front-end editor tools.

Fig. 2.2. Front-end editor tools.

Back-end editor

This mode does not display site preview, but allows to display theme settings interface in more comfortable full-width way (fig.3.1).

Fig. 3.1. Back-end theme options mode.

Fig. 3.1. Back-end theme options mode.

You can switch to back-end editor by clicking appropriate button (fig. 3.2) in the bottom of Theme Options list.

Fig. 3.2. Switch to back-end editor.

Fig. 3.2. Switch to back-end editor.

Read more about specific Theme Options tools below:

Installation & Basic Setup

1. Install WordPress

Download and Install the newest version of WordPress.

2. Upload Theme

Before proceeding, please make sure that following plugins are not installed or deactivated:
– WP-pagenavi;
– WP-less;
– Options Framework;
– any plugin that uses tgmpa (TGM Plugin Activation) and lessc (lessPHP) classes.

If you’ve downloaded the whole theme package (see fig. 1.1), unzip it. Inside you will find the theme installation file (called “”), quick start guide, license folder, folder with PSD files, etc.

Fig. 1.1. Theme Package.

Fig. 1.1. Theme Package.

Alternatively you can simply download the installable WordPress file (see fig. 1.2).

Fig. 1.2. Installable file.

Fig. 1.2. Installable file.

To install the theme, in your WordPress Admin Panel (wp-admin) go to “Appearance > Themes > Add New > Upload Theme > Browse” (see fig. 2) and choose the theme installation file.


Fig. 2. Choose theme to install.

Fig. 2. Choose theme to install.

If any error appears, most probably, your hosting has file size limit. You can contact your hosting provider and ask to ease this restrictions (e.g 32MB will do).

Otherwise you can install theme via FTP. Simply unzip the installable file and upload the theme folder via FTP into “your_site/wp-content/themes/”.

If above steps did not yield any results, please don’t hesitate to address this issue directly to your hosting company. Since this is most likely a server-related problem, we will not be able to help you!

3. Activate Theme

In “Appearance > Themes “ activate the Theme by hitting the correspondent “Activate” link.

Fig. 3.1. Theme activation.

Fig. 3. Theme activation.

4. Theme registration
After theme activation you will see a “The7” menu (fig.4.1). Please enter your Item Purchase Code into the appropriate Dashboard field in order to register the theme and get access to pre-made websites, premium plugins, one-click updates and more:

Fig. 4.1. The7 menu.

Fig. 4.1. The7 menu.

Note that in case you want to use your purchase code on other domain name (e.g. when you are moving a site from one domain to another) you’ll need to deregister the theme first (fig. 4.2):

Fig.4.2. Deregister the theme.

Fig. 4.2. Deregister the theme.

Also note that running multiple websites on a single license is a copyright violation. In other words it is a serious legal offence and is strictly prohibited. Remember 1 site = 1 purchased license.

Now you can start installing plugins (fig.4.3):

Fig.3.4. Install bundled plugins.

Fig. 4.3. Install bundled plugins.

Please refer to these articles for details on:

5. Import Pre-made Websites

You can import pre-made websites (also called “demo websites”, “demo content” or just “demos”) via The7 > Pre-made Websites interface (fig. 5):

Fig.5. Website import options.

Fig. 5. Website import options.

Please refer to these articles for details: Import demo content.

6. Update Theme
You can update the theme in a usual WP way through Appearance -> Themes (fig.6).

Fig.6. Theme update.

Fig. 6. Theme update.

Then go to Dashboard -> The7 -> Plugins and update plugins.

Finally, update database (if popup message show up) – see fig. 7.

Fig. 7. Update database.

Fig. 7. Update database.

Requirements & Compatibility

The7 is compatible with the WordPress version 4.9 and later (PHP v.5.6.20 or greater; MySQL v.5.0.15 or greater).

Most JavaScript enabled browsers will make The7 work with no issues. It is designed and optimized for desktops, tablets and smartphones.

Currently we are testing The7 in:

  • Google Chrome (Mac and PC)
  • Firefox (Mac and PC)
  • Internet Explorer 11 and Edge (we’re also making sure that site remains readable in older versions of IE)
  • Safari (Mac)
  • Safari on iOS
  • Chrome on Android