
Before Getting Started

Note that this User Guide does NOT cover basic WordPress usage. If you are a WordPress newbie, please get accustomed with it BEFORE proceeding with this manual and the theme!

First of all, google “WordPress basics” – plethora of articles and educational videos are available on the internet.

Second, here are some links that will help you to become more confident with the WordPress:


Seriously. If you do not want to spoil your experience with any theme, get accustomed with WordPress basics first! 🙂



Jquery Easing Plugin:
Jquery Cycle Plugin:
Jquery Validator Plugin:
Pretty Photo:
Swiper JS (it is free and ultra lightweight mobile touch slider that being used in PressCore for metro-style homepage slider; we strongly recommend you to check it out):


RoyalSlider is essential part and engine for various sliders scattered across the entire theme. It’s simple, bold, stable and incredibly fast.

Please note that it is not a freeware though. You cannot use it apart from theme unless you purchase appropriate license:

Again. This is important! You can use RoyalSlider inside theme for free. If you want to use it apart from this template – grab a license.


Arial (standard)

Roboto Condensed
Patua One
Titillium Web

Images for backgrounds

Floral brushes –
Retro grunge clipart  –


Widget Settings

All widgets build into your theme are prefixed with “DT-“. E.g. “DT-Pregress Bars”, “DT-Portfolio Projects”, “DT-Contact Info”, etc.

Fig. 1. Widget back-end interface.

Fig. 1. Widget back-end interface.

Most of them have such common options as:

  • Title (optionally): this label is displayed above the widget.
  • Category: select which category of a custom post type to display in this particular widget.
  • Number of items to display.
  • Sort by: choose a parameter to order widget entries (name, date, etc.).
  • Ordering: set the Ascending or Descending mode of the ordering.
  • Show featured images.
  • Autoslide: set a animation time-out. If you point zero “0”, it disables slider autoplay. Attention! The time interval should be set in milliseconds (1000 milliseconds = 1 second).

All widgets interfaces has self-explaining settings names, so please feel free to experiment with them. You can also add widgets to the content area using WPBakery Page Builder “Widgetised sidebar” element:

Fig. 2. "Widgetized Sidebar" element in WPBakery Page Builder.

Fig. 2. “Widgetized Sidebar” element in WPBakery Page Builder.

Typography Shortcodes

The7 typography shortcodes are available in a standard WYSIWYG editor and, in result, in WPBakery Page Builder “Text Block”.

Before getting started, please make sure that you’re accustomed with idea of shortcodes in WordPress:
Note that link above is given only for the quick illustration of what shortcodes are. Not all shortcodes described in it will work in your theme. 

Apart from visual elements/shortcodes in WPBakery Page Builder in The7 we are also utilizing conventional text-based shortcodes which are listed in a dropdown when clicking on “Shortcodes” in your WYSIWYG Editor or Text Block (fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Text shortcodes by Dream-Theme.

Fig. 1. Text shortcodes by Dream-Theme.


[dt_gap height=”10″ /]

Gap shortcode works the same as “Empty Space” elements – it adds a gap between paragraphs and other elements. It has the only option – height, where “10” stands for 10px.


[dt_divider style=”thin” /]

Divider shortcode inserts a horizontal divider line between elements. It can be thin or thick, depending on what you specify under “style” option.

Fig. 2. Divider.

Fig. 2. Divider.


Fig. 3. Tooltip.

Fig. 3. Tooltip.

In order to achieve such a nice layout (fig. 3) try using the following shortcode syntax:

Apply [dt_tooltip title=”tooltip”]popup content[/dt_tooltip] shortcode here.


Fig. 4. Highlight shortcode.

Fig. 4. Highlight shortcode.

This shortcode hightlights a part of a text string. Use the following syntax:

Ut elit tellus, [dt_highlight color=”yellow” text_color=”” bg_color=””]lorem ipsum dolor[/dt_highlight] sit amet.

Shortcode attributes are listed below:

  • use color=”” attribute to specify one of color presets: white, red, berry, orange, yellow, pink, green, dark_green, blue, dark_blue, violet, black, gray, grey. Background color will be altered appropriately . And text color will automatically turn white;
  • alternatively, use combination text_color=”” bg_color=”” in order to specify both text and background colors. Use HEX values like “#cc3366”;
  • or leave all attributes empty in order to apply accent color to the background (including the case when accent color is gradient) and make text color white.


Fig. 5. Code shortcode.

Fig. 5. Code shortcode.

This shortcode allows to display code strings with correct interpretation of symbols “, <, >, etc. (unlikely to the case when these characters are inserted directly into WYSWYG editor). Use the following syntax:

[dt_code]<div class=”my-element” style=””>Lorem</div>[/dt_code]

Simple Login Form

You may want to display login form in your website front-end (fig. 6). Simple Login Form shortcode will help you in this case. Use the following syntax:

[dt_simple_login_form label_username=”” label_password=”” label_remember=”” label_log_in=””]

It has four attributes to adjust standard labels for username and password fields, “Rememeber me” check-box and “Log in” button. Like:

[dt_simple_login_form label_username=”Nom d’utilisateur” label_password=”Mot de passe” label_remember=”Se souvenir de moi” label_log_in=”Se connecter”]

Fig. 6. Simple Login Form shortcode.

Fig. 6. Simple Login Form shortcode.

Leave them empty if you want to use default WordPress labels.

Testimonials, Team, Benefits, Logos

Besides three main custom post types (“Slideshows”, “Media Albums” and “Portfolio”), there are four additional ones: “Benefits”, “Team”, “Testimonials” and “Partners, Clients, etc.”. Two of them – “Benefits” and “Partners, Clients” – are a legacy feature and are deactivated by default in The7 -> My The7. The reason is simple – such elements can be easily built with help of WPBakery builder.

These post types are based on the same principals as the main ones, but are simpler. Make sure that you are accustomed with “Slideshows“, “Media Albums” and “Portfolio” before embarking additional post types.


Fig. 1. Team posts.

Fig. 1.1. Team posts.

Team members can be added via “WP-admin > Team > Add new” interface.

Insert team member details:

  • name into a Title field;
  • info about the team member into Text Editor (WYSIWYG);
  • member’s position into “Options” box (fig. 1.2) “Position” field;
  • link to social profiles into corresponding fields in “Options” box;
  • if required, set photo of a member as a featured image.
Fig. 1.2. Team post options.

Fig. 1.2. Team post options.

You can also decide whether to allow a visitor to view a single Team member page on click – use option “Link to teammate details page: Yes/No”.

You can display Team members by:

  • adding “Team” WPBakery Page Builder shortcode to page content;
  • assigning “Team” template to a page;
  • using “DT-Team” widget.


Fig. 2. Testimonials.

Fig. 2.1. Testimonials.

Testimony can be added via “WP-admin > Testimonials > Add new” interface.
Insert testimony details:

  • author name into a Title field;
  • content into Text Editor (WYSIWYG);
  • author info into “Options” box > “Position” (fig. 2.2);
  • if required, set author photo as a featured image.
Fig. 2.2. Team options.

Fig. 2.2. Team options.

You can display testimonials by:

  • adding “Testimonials Masonry & Grid” and “Testimonials Carousel” WPBakery Page Builder shortcode to page content;
  • assigning “Testimonials” template to a page;
  • using “DT-Testimonials slider” or “DT-Testimonials list” widget.

Partners, Clients, etc.

This post type is ideal for displaying logos (fig. 3.1) of your clients, partners, affiliates, etc.

Fig. 3.1. Logos.

Fig. 3.1. Logos.

You can add separate logos via “WP-admin > Partners, Clients, etc. > Add New” interface. Note that, in addition to a regular-sized logo (featured image), you can upload its high-res (retina) version. Logo becomes clickable if you fill the “Target link” field (see fig. 3.2).

Fig. 1. Logo options box.

Fig. 3.2. Logo options box.

“Partners, Clients, etc.” can be displayed via “DT-Partners & clients” widget and “Clients” WPBakery Page Builder shortcode.


Fig. 4.1. Benefits.

Fig. 4.1. Benefits.

Benefit post can be added via “WP admin > Benefits > Add new” interface. Fill-in the following fields:

  • title;
  • icon: you can use Icons Manager code in the “Options” box (fig. 4.2) OR simply set featured image (you can also upload high-res (retina) icon in “Options” box);
  • external link [optionally] in “Options” box > “Target link”.
Fig. 4.2. Benefit options.

Fig. 4.2. Benefit options.

Benefits can be displayed with help of the same-named WPBakery Page Builder shortcode.

Displaying Gallery

[Please learn what’s the difference between “Albums” and “Galleries” page templates first]

In order to display Photos page, you can use our super configurable WPBakery photos shortcodes (fig. 1):

Fig. 1. Photos shortcodes.

Fig. 1. Photos shortcodes.

Photos Masonry and Grid

Fig. 2.1. Photos Masonry & Grid.

Fig. 2.1. Photos Masonry & Grid.

First “General” box in shortcode settings offers to select which albums to display (fig. 2.2).

Fig. 2.2. General photos settings.

Fig. 2.2. General photos settings.

You can select albums basing on their category or display all albums. Other settings from this tab allow to configure posts feed:

  • Masonry or Grid mode;
  • loading effect;
  • image sizing, border radius, shadow, animation, hover;
  • columns settings, where you can specify number of columns depending on device and browser width;
  • responsiveness (decide when to switch to a single-column layout).

It is possible to enable different modes of pagination and adjust the number of photos to display in “Pagination” tab. You can also configure ordering settings here: descending/ascending order, name/date ordering and look of pagination buttons.

In “Hover Icon” tab, you can:

  • decide whether to display an icon on image hover;
  • select a specific icon;
  • configure icon size, color, background and border.

Photos Justified Grid

Fig. 3.1. Photos Justified Grid shortcode.

Fig. 3.1. Photos Justified Grid shortcode.

This shortcode has less settings than the “Masonry & Grid”. In “General” tab you can:

  • select categories to display;
  • specify how many albums should be displayed;
  • adjust ordering settings.

Appearance” tab (fig. 3.2) allows to specify:

Fig. 3.2. Appearance settings.

Fig. 3.2. Appearance settings.

  • loading animation effect;
  • row target height and gaps between images;
  • featured images proportions;
  • hide last row if there’s not enough images to fill it (in such a situation, albums get stretched in this row. If such an effect does not suit you, this row can be hidden).

You can also decide whether to display photo titles and descriptions here.

Photos Carousel

Fig. 4.1. Photos Carousel.

Fig. 4.1. Photos Carousel.

Photos Carousel has almost the same settings as Photos Masonry & Grid, except options for scroll: whether to scroll one slide at time or all visible slides. Plus, settings for arrows and bullets (fig. 4.2):

  • disable/enable;
  • select icon, its color, background and position.
Fig. 4.2. Bullets settings.

Fig. 4.2. Bullets settings.

Page Templates

In addition to WPBakery Photos elements, you can also use “Gallery – masonry & grid” or “Gallery – justified grid” templates (fig. 5). But please consider, they have less settings than the shortcodes described above.

Fig. 5. Gallery page template.

Fig. 5. Gallery page template.

Displaying Albums

[Please learn what’s the difference between “Albums” and “Galleries” page templates first]

In order to display Albums page, you can use our super configurable WPBakery albums shortcodes (fig. 1):

Fig. 1. Albums shortcodes.

Fig. 1. Albums shortcodes.

Albums Masonry and Grid

Fig. 2.1. Albums Masonry & Grid shortcode.

Fig. 2.1. Albums Masonry & Grid shortcode.

First “General” box in shortcode settings offers to select which albums to display (fig. 2.2).

Fig. 2.2. General albums settings.

Fig. 2.2. General albums settings.

You can select albums basing on their category or display all albums. Other settings from this tab allow to configure posts feed:

  • Masonry or Grid mode;
  • loading effect;
  • layout (classic, bottom overlap, side overlap);
  • content alignment;
  • image size, padding, animation, hover;
  • dividers;
  • background color and padding;
  • columns settings, where you can specify number of columns depending on device and browser width;
  • responsiveness (decide when to switch to a single-column layout).

Project” tab options define appearance of an album on albums gallery page:

  • post title font, color, size;
  • meta information (whether to display post date, category, etc.) and its look;
  • text or, in another words, post content – its amount and appearance;
  • “Read more” button label and link/button mode.

In “Hover Icon” tab, you can:

  • decide whether to display an icon or image miniatures on image hover (fig. 2.3);

    Fig. 2.3. Hover icon settings.

    Fig. 2.3. Hover icon settings.

  • apply different styles to images miniatures (if this layout is selected) or select a specific icon;
  • configure icon size, color, background and border.

It is possible to enable different modes of pagination and adjust the number of albums to display in “Pagination & Categorization” tab. You can also configure category filter here: descending/ascending order, name/date ordering and look of filter buttons.

Albums Justified Grid

Fig. 3.1. Albums Justified Grid.

Fig. 3.1. Albums Justified Grid.

This shortcode has less settings than the “Masonry & Grid”. In “General” tab you can:

  • select categories to display;
  • specify how many albums should be displayed;
  • enable categories filter;

Appearance” tab (fig. 3.2) allows to specify:

Fig. 3.2. Appearance setting.

Fig. 3.2. Appearance setting.

  • loading animation effect;
  • row target height and gaps between images;
  • featured images proportions;
  • hide last row if there’s not enough images to fill it (in such a situation, albums get stretched in this row. If such an effect does not suit you, this row can be hidden).

You can also decide:

  • how to display albums descriptions: on colored background, on dark gradient, in the bottom or with help of background and animated lines;
  • what animation effect to apply;
  • select image hover background color;
  • apply content alignment;
  • switch on/off albums titles, excerpts and miniatures.

Finally, you can decide whether to display albums meta (date, category, author, comments, number of images & videos) with help of “Project Meta” tab.

Albums Carousel

Fig. 4.1. Albums Carousel shortcode.

Fig. 4.1. Albums Carousel shortcode.

Albums Carousel has almost the same settings as Albums Masonry & Grid, except options for scroll: whether to scroll one slide at time or all visible slides. Plus, settings for arrows and bullets (fig. 4.2):

  • disable/enable;
  • select icon, its color, background and position.
Fig. 4.2. Bullets settings.

Fig. 4.2. Bullets settings.

Page Templates

In addition to WPBakery Albums elements, you can also use “Albums – masonry & grid” or “Albums – justified grid” templates (fig. 5). But please consider, they have less settings than the shortcodes described above.

Fig. 5. Albums page template.

Fig. 5. Albums page template.


Understanding Albums & Galleries

What’s the difference between Albums (“Photo/Video Albums” or just “Albums”) and Galleries (or just “Photos” in some themes).

If you’re a bit old-fashioned, in a physical world, your photos are still contained in the photo-albums. Same happens in the theme: each Album contains a set of media files: photos and videos.

You can display media files in 2 modes:

1. Albums – in this mode, you can see a set of Albums (fig. 1.1).

Fig. 1. Albums page.

Fig. 1.1. Albums page.

Click on one of these albums will open it and reveal photos inside (fig. 1.2). This mode is sometimes also called the “2-level gallery”:

Fig. 1.2. Photos inside of an album.

Fig. 1.2. Photos inside of an album.

2. Gallery – media files from one or couple of albums are being displayed on a page (fig. 2). Clicking on a media file thumbnail will activate it (photos will be enlarged, videos will start to play). This mode is also called the “flat/plain”, “1-level” or “classical” gallery:

Fig. 2. Gallery – set of images displayed on a page.

Fig. 2. Gallery – set of images displayed on a page.

Adding & Editing Albums (Photo/Video Albums)

“Photo Albums” allow to gather images and videos. Read on how to fill-in “video URL” field here – fig. 2.

To create an album, navigate to “WP-admin > Photo Albums > Add new Album”. Album editing interface is similar to Portfolio Project. Apart from, header options and widgetized areas, Albums adding/editing interface has 2 auxiliary boxes called “Add/Edit Media” (fig. 1) and “Album Options” (fig. 2).

Fig. 1. Add/Edit Media.

Fig. 1. Add/Edit Media.

Add/Edit Media box is 100% identical to “Add/Edit slides” box in slideshows (please refer to this article for details).

Fig. 2. Album options.

Fig. 2. Album options.

Album Options. Here you can:

  • select an album page for the “Back button” (more info is available here);
  • choose how your album will be opened from albums list: in a lightbox or on a separate album page;
  • select a layout for displaying images: slideshow, gallery, list, photo scroller, masonry or grid;
  • decide if you want to exclude featured image from the album (i.e. use that photo only as an album cover);
  • decide if you want to display text content.

Depending on a chosen layout, you get a set of options for configuring this layout. For example, Slideshow (fig. 3) or Gallery (fig. 4).


Fig. 3.1. Display media as a slideshow.

Fig. 3.1. Display media as a slideshow.

Fig. 3. Display media as a slideshow.

The only specific option in this case (fig. 3) is slider proportions.


Fig. 4.1. Display media as a gallery.

Fig. 4. Display media as a gallery.

“Show media as: Gallery” allows you to display the media in form of fancy metro-style gallery. You can choose desired number of columns and make first image x2 large.


Fig. 5. Display media as a list.

Fig. 5. Display media as a list.

Show media as: List (fig. 5). Choosing this option will display your images as boring list of images; there’s even no additional option here 🙂

Photo Scroller

Fig. 6. Display media as PhotoScroller.

Fig. 6. Display media as PhotoScroller.

Show media as: Photo Scroller. Basically this is the same Photo Scroller as you see in the “Page Header Options > Photo Scroller“. You have same set of options here:

  • layout: fullscreen slideshow (will hide text area) or fullscreen slideshow + text area;
  • background behind the slider;
  • show/hide pixel overlay.
  • padding;
  • inactive slides opacity;
  • thumbnail stripe. You can hide/show it by default or disable it altogether;
  • thumbnails width and height;
  • specify slider default state: playing or paused;
  • autoplay speed (interval);
  • 2 blocks of settings for landscape and portrait images: min and max width, filling mode (fit or fill) for desktops and mobile devices.

Masonry & Grid

Fig. 6. Display media as Masonry layout.

Fig. 7. Display media as Masonry layout.

Basically, this is the same layout as you see in the “Blog Masonry & Grid” element. You have almost the same set of options here:

  • choose Masonry or Grid layout;
  • specify how many images to display per page;
  • specify the gap between images and column minimum width;
  • set desired columns number;
  • make this gallery 100% browser wide;
  • decide whether to resize images or not;
  • select loading animation effect.

Justified Grid

Fig. 7. Display media as Justified Grid layout.

Fig. 8. Display media as Justified Grid layout.

This layout looks like “Portfolio Justified Grid” element. The only specific settings it has are:

  • gap between images;
  • row target height;
  • make this gallery 100% browser wide;
  • hide last row if there’s not enough images to fill it;
  • decide whether to resize images or not;
  • select loading animation effect.